Remembrance Day 2020

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Join the Burlington Conservative Association as we observe a Virtual Remembrance Day Ceremony in Burlington this year.

11 am on Wednesday November 11th 2020

~ Lest We Forget ~

The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 60 will be laying a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf of the Burlington Conservative Association and our President Ross Noble. Our wreath will be announced as part of the virtual ceremony.

The virtual ceremony details from the Legion, Branch 60 HERE and from the City of Burlington are HERE

The Burl Oak Naval Veterans will hold a private sunrise service in Spencer Smith Park at the Naval Ships Memorial Monument.


Burlington 2020 Remembrance Day Ceremony

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the public is not encouraged to attend a ceremony at the downtown cenotaph. Instead, join us for our virtual Burlington Remembrance Day ceremony beginning at 10:50 a.m. on November 11th, 2020.

On Remembrance Day at 10:50 a.m. please join the live link HERE.


MEDIA RELEASE from The City of Burlington:

The 2020 Remembrance Day ceremony is going virtual and will be live-streamed at, beginning at 11 a.m. [however please join the live-stream at 10:50 a.m.] on November 11th. Please do not go to the Burlington Cenotaph.

Due to COVID-19 concerns and precautions, including limiting gathering sizes and physical distancing, the Royal Canadian Legion and veterans are asking residents to stay home and stream the ceremony online. Only those directly involved in delivering the ceremony will be at the Cenotaph.

Those at the Cenotaph will be following COVID-19 safety protocol including physical distancing.

To view the live streaming, go to at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020. The ceremony will also be available for viewing afterward.

The 35-minute ceremony will include a colour guard, two minutes of silence, music performed by some members of the Burlington Teen Tour Band and Flanders Fields.

The sunrise ceremony at the Naval Monument is also not open to the public and will not be live-streamed.

For more information about the virtual ceremony, please visit

Quote from Bob Ankrett, City Liaison and Museum Curator, Royal Canadian Legion – Branch 60 Burlington

“Since 1921, the Poppy has stood as a symbol of peace and remembrance. It is our visual pledge never to forget our fellow Canadians who have fallen in defense of our country’s values and ideals. Since gathering at our memorial during these troubled COVID days is no longer possible, let us pause at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11 and remember those who have fallen.”

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