

Just click below for details & RSVP

As soon as the writ drops and Election 2025 starts, Emily’s Campaign Office will be open 9 am to 8 pm weekdays & 9 am to 4 pm on weekends! Join us for Emily’s GRAND OPENING RALLY on Saturday March 29th – see details above. RSVP today!

Emily Brown is our Burlington Conservative Candidate for the Election 2025! As an election call by Carney is expected any day let’s make Emily our new Burlington Conservative MP! Help her take on Liberal Karina Gould!


Click here to Volunteer for Emily!

Join Emily Brown Now!  It’s Time To. . .


Everything Conservatives proposed in our common sense plan BEFORE the Trump tariffs was true then:

– Axing the carbon tax
– Scrapping the capital gains tax hike
– Repealing the anti-energy law C-69
– Approving pipelines
– Celebrating—NOT cancelling—our history

Now, these are absolute necessities!

We have a job to do. It’s time to put Canada First—and bring home common sense.

Pierre Poilievre

Burlington for Canada Campaign Rally

March 21st, 2025|Comments Off on Burlington for Canada Campaign Rally

CAMPAIGN OFFICE GRAND OPENING RALLY for EMILY BROWN Join Conservative Candidate Emily Brown and her Special Guests! MP Melissa Lantsman of Thornhill, Conservative Deputy Leader, Dan McTeague, President of Canadians for Affordable Energy, Mike Wallace, former 9 yr MP of Burlington,  and more! At 4450 Paletta [...]

Mark Carney is no Climate Saviour

March 11th, 2025|Comments Off on Mark Carney is no Climate Saviour

Mark Carney is preparing to replace Justin Trudeau and become Canada’s next Prime Minister. He says that he was “made for this moment”. But is he really? You’ve got to give it to Carney; he’s got quite the impressive global resume. He’s got advanced degrees from [...]

Poilievre to End Sneaky ‘Carney Loophole’

March 7th, 2025|Comments Off on Poilievre to End Sneaky ‘Carney Loophole’

... And Force Leaders to Disclose Finances Poilievre will require leadership candidates disclose their finances within 30 days, publish them within 60 days, and require all future Prime Ministers and Ministers sell assets that create conflicts of interest. March 7, 2025 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, ON—Conservative [...]

Carney Must Disclose His Assets

March 7th, 2025|Comments Off on Carney Must Disclose His Assets

March 6, 2025 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON – Michael Barrett, Conservative Shadow Minister for Ethics and Accountable Government, sent the following letter to Mark Carney: Mr. Carney, I am writing to follow up on the serious matter regarding the immediate disclosure of your financial assets and all potential [...]


Mark Carney’s Big Scam
There is a new scam sweeping Canada.
It isn’t AI hacking into your bank account but it will still cost Canadians billions.
It’s a new Shadow Carbon Tax.

Mark Carney is no Climate Saviour

March 11th, 2025|Comments Off on Mark Carney is no Climate Saviour

Mark Carney is preparing to replace Justin Trudeau and become Canada’s next Prime Minister. He says that he was “made for this moment”. But is he really? You’ve got to give it to Carney; he’s got quite the impressive global resume. He’s got advanced degrees from some of the finest international universities in the world (despite claiming Canada ‘gave him his education’), He spent years at Goldman Sachs, then became the head of the central banks of Canada and the UK. He even got appointed the UN’s Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance, all the while founding several net-zero companies committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, which he believes is an “absolute imperative”. However, the corporate movement behind net zero is falling apart. As European economies—who pride themselves on their progressive environmental policies—are languishing as deindustrialization spreads, most evident in Germany, Europe’s industrial [...]

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The federal Burlington Conservative Electoral District Association was officially incorporated in 2004!

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 FYI: 3 Levels of Government