Thank you to everyone who donated to BCA in 2024!
Your 2024 contribution tax credit receipt will be mailed out to you this month from the Burlington Conservative Association! Watch for it, and thanks again!
When you donate 100% of your money stays in Burlington and supports our local federal riding association and our Burlington Conservative Candidate EMILY BROWN … and you’ll get a tax receipt for the year of the donation!
If you give a donation in this calendar year of 2025 the total contribution goes to our Burlington Conservative Association and helps us elect Emily Brown as our Conservative MP in Election 45 this year!
The maximum one year total for 2025 is $1,750.00 for combined contributions to Nomination Contestants, Candidates & Conservative Associations across Canada. Elections Canada does not allow you to exceed this maximum!
Allowable donations to the Conservative Party of Canada are separate – you may donate up to a maximum of $1750 to the Party this year.
By submitting a donation, I certify that:
- I am a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada and I am making this contribution with my personal credit card and not a corporate credit card;
- This contribution is not from a corporation;
- The funds I am donating are from me and are not being provided by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
- If I am making a credit card contribution on behalf of my spouse, then the credit card balance will be paid from a joint bank account under both our names. For joint chequing account contributions, the tax credit goes to the person who signs the cheque.
Business donations (business cards or business cheques or business addresses) are not allowed under Elections Canada rules.
For more information about donations and tax credits, please visit the CRA website and Elections Canada.
Donate by Cheque
If you wish to donate by PERSONAL cheque,
make your cheque payable to: Burlington Conservative Association
The tax credit will be for the year of the cheque. Cheques must be received by December 31st for current year’s tax credit. (No BUSINESS cheques allowed.)
Again, for joint personal chequing accounts, the tax receipt goes to the person who signs the cheque, and the maximum donation for 2025 is $1750.00.
Mail to: Burlington Conservative Association, P.O. Box 91585 Burlington, ON L7R 4L6