Leadership Race News

Meet Erin O’Toole

Meet Erin O'Toole, the new leader of the federal Conservative Party O'Toole has tended to be a moderate voice in the party. His voting record shows him as socially progressive and in line with mainstream conservatism on other issues Brian Platt Aug 24, 2020 In this Conservative leadership race, Erin O'Toole declared himself the "True Blue" [...]

By |2020-08-24T13:22:18-04:00August 24th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on Meet Erin O’Toole

New CPC Leader TBA Sun Aug 23rd!

Exciting news: We will be announcing the new Leader of the Conservative Party on August 23rd starting at 6 PM EDT. I hope that you will join us for the announcement online on CPC Facebook or CPC YouTube Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cpcpcc YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/cpcpcc  Whoever it might be, I know that Conservatives will rally behind the new [...]

By |2020-08-15T15:01:10-04:00August 14th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on New CPC Leader TBA Sun Aug 23rd!

CPC Sets New Membership Record!

July 14, 2020 Nearly 270,000 members largest for a leadership race in party’s history The Conservative Party of Canada has set a record for memberships in a leadership race with 269,469 members. With this total, the party has surpassed its membership total both in 2004 when the merger of two national parties meant open nomination races [...]

By |2020-07-14T21:59:23-04:00July 14th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on CPC Sets New Membership Record!

English Leadership Debate Recap

Tory leadership candidates pitch their ability to win the next election in English debate Author of the article: Brian Platt Publishing date: June 18, 2020 Conservative Party of Canada leadership candidates (clockwise from top left) Erin O’Toole, Peter MacKay, Leslyn Lewis and Derek Sloan during the English-language leadership debate in Toronto on June 18, 2020. TIJANA MARTIN/THE [...]

By |2020-06-19T13:55:41-04:00June 19th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on English Leadership Debate Recap

2020 Leadership Debates Are On!

We have some exciting news, the 2020 Conservative Leadership debates have been set. The French debate will be on June 17th and the English debate will be on June 18th. Make sure to mark your calendars! Both debates will be livestreamed at conservative.ca starting at 7 PM ET, so you won’t miss any of the [...]

By |2020-06-01T19:39:56-04:00June 1st, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on 2020 Leadership Debates Are On!

Leadership Race Enters Final Phase

Conservative leadership race enters final phase as membership sales deadline passes Friday night Because of COVID-19, there has still not been a single debate involving the contestants, and nobody has been able to campaign in person for two months The final four Conservative Party leadership candidates: Peter MacKay, Leslyn Lewis, Erin O’Toole and Derek Sloan.Postmedia and [...]

By |2020-05-16T14:05:15-04:00May 16th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on Leadership Race Enters Final Phase

Leadership Race is Back On!

The Conservative Party of Canada’s Leadership Election Organizing Committee (LEOC) met [Wednesday April 29th] to discuss the resumption of the 2020 Leadership Election. On March 26, the LEOC suspended the race due to the impact COVID-19 related health guidelines and government mandated closures were having on key processes needed to complete the race. The LEOC took [...]

By |2020-05-01T13:24:54-04:00April 29th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on Leadership Race is Back On!

Why CPC Suspended Race

Why the federal Conservative Party finally decided to suspend its leadership race Many organizers and strategists feel the Conservatives damaged their brand by attempting to continue the race despite the COVID-19 pandemic The Conservative leadership race will now be suspended until at least May 1.Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press March 28, 2020 - Brian Platt OTTAWA — [...]

By |2020-03-28T15:29:33-04:00March 28th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on Why CPC Suspended Race

2020 Leadership Race Suspended

2020 Conservative leadership race suspended until at least May due to COVID-19 pandemic The decision by the committee comes after it repeatedly resisted calls over the past few weeks to suspend the race or at least extend some deadlines The final four Conservative Party leadership candidates: Peter MacKay, Leslyn Lewis, Erin O’Toole and Derek Sloan.Postmedia and [...]

By |2023-07-26T08:51:08-04:00March 27th, 2020|Leadership Race News|Comments Off on 2020 Leadership Race Suspended
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