Local businesses are the backbone of Canada. They’re where we work. Where we meet.
The jobs they create keep our communities strong.
It’s the mechanic that keeps your car running and the five people she employs. The farm that keeps your family fed, and healthy.
It’s the coffee shop down the street, and the bar where you catch up with your friends at the end of the week.
But now, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals are threatening these local businesses with big tax hikes, without considering the impact it will have on jobs or our communities.
We can’t just stand by and let the Liberals drive them into the ground.
Andrew Scheer and Canada’s Conservatives have a positive vision to create prosperity and opportunity for everyone.
All across Canada, people are voicing their concerns and joining us. We’re standing up to save local business!
Visit SaveLocalBusiness.ca and sign up if you agree with Andrew!