BCA 2023 Policy & Constitution Roundtable #2

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BCA 2023 Policy & Constitution ‘Process Review’ Meeting #2

Only Conservative Party of Canada Members in good standing, can take part in this event.

Hello fellow Conservatives,

The Burlington Conservative Electoral District Association is holding another roundtable policy meeting on:

Date: Tuesday, March 28,2023

Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 pm

Place: Haber Community Centre, 3040 Tim Dobbie Dr, Burlington ON L7M 0M3.

This roundtable policy meeting is intended to be another brainstorming drill and a lead up to the coming April 13th GTA West Policy & Constitution Workshop where regional grassroots CPC members will congregate to deliberate and formally put their policy and constitution suggestions forward for party consideration at the fall Conservative Convention.

You must be a current CPC member in good standing to attend these policy meetings. Registration will be required at the door. Refreshments will be served. Thank you for your donation.

  • For accrediting purposes, when registering, please provide 1 piece of original ID with name, photo & address or 2 pieces of original ID – 1 with name &  photo and 1 with your name & address.

You can review the pertinent CPC governing documents to be discussed here: https://www.conservative.ca/about-us/governing-documents/ Bring a hard copy with you to the meeting for your personal reference.

Please RSVP by Saturday March 25, 2023 to attend.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to seeing you there.


Charles Zach
Chair, Policy and Constitution Committee
Burlington Conservative Association
Conservative Party of Canada

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