2024 BCA Bowling Party

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Date: Saturday February 24th

Time: 1:30 p.m. arrival time to sign in & get shoes.

2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. playing time.

Place: Burlington Bowl4065 Harvester Road, Burlington (north side of Harvester just east of Walkers Line)

Refreshments: pizza, wings, sandwiches, wraps & soft drinks

CASH BAR at Burlington Bowl’s ‘Brooklyns Bar & Grill’


Cost:  $20 per person, non-refundable.  Cost includes shoe rental, bowling, and refreshments. NOTE: The $20 per person is not a contribution and is not tax receiptable.

Attendees will be assigned to teams and lanes randomly unless they notify Stephen White (swhite69@cogeco.ca) directly of who they wish to be partnered with.  If people wish to play with a family member(s) or friend(s), or make up their own team, notify Stephen no later than Thursday February 22nd at 5:00 p.m.

Bowlers need to arrive at Burlington Bowl no later than 1:30 p.m. on Saturday February 24th. When they arrive they will be directed to go to the restaurant area at the west end of the facility where a sign in desk will be set up.  After signing in, they need to get their bowling shoes at the main desk. We have reserved lanes 1-10 (located in front of Brooklyn’s Bar & Grill) for 10 PIN bowling. Maximum 5 players per lane. Scoring will be automatically tabulated (which is why Burlington Bowl needs the names of attendees to load into their scoring system).

See you at Burlington Bowl!

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